Inner Peace

1 min readJan 22, 2021

I hate this weather -

But how so?

I have never learned to hate -

Be it the one who had no awe

After taking everything from me,

Or to the deception of the one

I solemnly once called friend.

I did not learn to hate.

Yet, this morning today has a

Scent of death — death of feelings -

I cannot appreciate.

Why do I write when I have nothing

To share, to declare.

No matter how many times the world

Has mauled me or

Left me abandoned,

I keep looking for the people -

Who has adorned me.

Is this not my place also?

Be it temporary -

Or be it distasteful to me,

I am here now -

To share what I have earned.

I care not that you leave me ransacked.

I shall still find a way to love you,

But keep me in your softer side -

So your peace may come true.




Siraj has been writing since early childhood. He wrote his first rhyme when he was only 3! First poetry published at the age of 9.